Woolooware I
Designed in collaboration with Corey Fox Landscaping to take full advantage of a compact, wrap-around backyard, this new landscape featuring a 7x3m pool exudes elegance and sophistication.
The meticulous design is punctuated with small moments of delight, such as a crazy pave zone curving around the custom bench seat and the timber deck landing on entry to the pool yard. This decking is bordered by an architectural row of Dichondra Repens, breaching the pool fence to soften the connection between organic textures and hardscaping.
As the plants grow over time, the entire pool yard will be surrounded by a stunning green border creating a natural sanctuary for our clients to relax in for years to come. Landscaping done by Corey Fox Landscaping coreyfoxlandscaping.com.au
Client feedback
"I would thoroughly recommend using Pinnacle Pools if you're considering a pool. Dave worked extremely closely with Corey Fox Landscaping ... and communicated with us every step of the way. He is a true professional. And the banter is next level."
Project Video